By means of the IsoteQ® system’s planning a significant net area-increasing is available since it guarantees the oustanding heat-insulating enclosure structure in a mere 25-40 cm thickness, which only can be done in case of the traditional building materials with a much more thicker sandwich structure. The architectual planning of our system doesn’t claim special previous qualification, it secures a free elbow-room to the experts. Only the fantasy can set a limit to the various forms!
Visit our sample house-collection which satisfies every claim.
Sample plansWHAT WE OFFER
The IsoteQ® Passive House Building System (ISOTEQ® PASSIVHAUS BAUSYSTEM) has been fisrtly certified in the Central and Eastern European region as Passive-House-suitable component („Passivhaus geeignete Komponente) by the German Passive House Institute.
If you wish to build a passive house ask for the Certification Documentation for the Products Suitable for Passive Houses of the German Passive House Institute, which describes the professional way of planning and installing of the IsoteQ® PASSIVE-building system with certified connection drawings in about 100 pages, which helps the effective work of architects and constructors.
To determine the most optimal reinforcement of the concrete core we prepare structural plans for the IsoteQ® buildings:
- Static plan (foundation (girders) and IsoteQ® masonry, lintel)
- Static plan (IsoteQ® walls, lintel, ring, one stock ceiling
- Static plan (IsoteQ® walls, lintel, ring, one stock ceiling, walls above the ceiling and ring)